A Crimson Rosella and Haskap Berries

My free time has been taken up by haskap berries and a Crimson Rosella. What have they to do with one another? Well, not a darn thing in the real world – haskaps grow in Canada, and a Crimson Rosella is an Australian bird so they are a world apart, geographically. But meanwhile on the farm…

The haskap berries are ripe and we’ve been picking them in between the thunder storms. The corgis are only too happy to help…

Corgis in the haskaps

We had a really good crop this year, as the bushes are five years old and finally mature. We made haskap jam and chutney with the harvest.

Haskap Jam & Chutney

And in the mornings – sometimes the evenings too – I’ve been ever so slowly cross-stitching a Crimson Rosella from a kit sent to me from Australia as a gift from my son and daughter-in-law. As I stitched, I remembered that I’ve actually seen one of these birds in person, when touring the Jenolan Caves in New South Wales. The cheeky little fellow was perched on the wall supervising the refilling of a vending machine – hoping for food, or just very curious – I am not sure which!

Crimson Rosella  Cross Stitch

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