A Finish, and A Start

It is said “measure twice, cut once”,  but I didn’t listen to this wise adage, and my fabric for SAL Dentelles was a wee bit small. Just small enough that I had to choose between the last two bands of stitching.  It was a tough choice, both are beautiful. This is my finished sampler, stitched in variegated silk floss hand painted by Silks4u:

Sal Dentelles framed

To see the other completed projects, with all bands stitched, pop over to Broduese Bressane’s Blogspot.  There is a slide-show of the finished lacy samplers.

One stitch-along is finished, and another is starting. “Box of Delights” by Blackwork Journey is an embroidered box of chocolates, a sweet design! You can find this project in the freebies section.

I am stitching with some beautiful silk flosses by Silks4u, that were tucked into my last order as samples (it was such a lovely surprise)  – variegated for the fill patterns, yummy plum for the outlines, and gold for accents… and I measured this fabric twice! 😉

Box of Delights and Flosses framed

This project is promoted in conjunction with Slattery, the award winning Patissier and Chocolatier from Manchester, UK who have produced a special box of their chocolates copying the original embroidery designs. How cool is that! They look absolutely delicious. You can see the chocolates if you go to the Blog section of the Blackwork Journey website, and read March’s Blog.



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