Snow Diamonds and Moose Beds

We had an absolutely gorgeous day, so the dogs and I headed out to enjoy it.

Old fence
Old fence

The snow had melted and then frozen again, creating ice crystals that are so sparkly in the sunshine, they look like snow diamonds.

Shadows and Snow Diamonds
Shadows and Snow Diamonds

The dogs, especially the short little Corgis who struggle in any amount of snow, were so happy to discover they could walk on top of the crusty snow.

Corgis on the snow
Corgis on the snow

We found moose tracks, and investigated the trail.

Moose tracks
Moose tracks
Moose Trail
Moose Trail

The trail led to a moose bed. The moose was long gone, but he left a few moose-beans behind.

Tazzy in a moose bed
Tazzy in a moose bed

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